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Class com.jclark.xml.parse.EntityManagerImpl


public class EntityManagerImpl
extends Object
implements EntityManager
A default implementation of EntityManager.

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o EntityManagerImpl()

Method Index

 o fileToURL(File)
Generates a URL from a File.
 o open(String, URL, String)
 o openFile(String)
Creates an OpenEntity from a file name.
 o openStandardInput()
Creates an OpenEntity for the standard input.
 o userDirURL()
Generates a URL for the current working directory.


 o EntityManagerImpl
 public EntityManagerImpl()


 o open
 public OpenEntity open(String systemId,
                        URL baseURL,
                        String publicId) throws IOException
 o openFile
 public static OpenEntity openFile(String name) throws IOException
Creates an OpenEntity from a file name.

 o openStandardInput
 public static OpenEntity openStandardInput() throws IOException
Creates an OpenEntity for the standard input.

 o fileToURL
 public static URL fileToURL(File file)
Generates a URL from a File.

 o userDirURL
 public static URL userDirURL()
Generates a URL for the current working directory.

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