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Interface com.jclark.xml.parse.base.Application

public interface Application
This interface is used by the parser to report information to the application. In all cases the event argument is valid only until the function returns; the parser may reuse the event object to report subsequent events.

See Also:

Method Index

 o characterData(CharacterDataEvent)
Reports character data.
 o comment(CommentEvent)
Reports a comment.
 o endCdataSection(EndCdataSectionEvent)
Reports the end of a CDATA section.
 o endDocument()
Reports the end of the document.
 o endDocumentTypeDeclaration(EndDocumentTypeDeclarationEvent)
Reports the end of the document type declaration.
 o endElement(EndElementEvent)
Reports the end of a element.
 o endEntityReference(EndEntityReferenceEvent)
Reports the start of an entity reference.
 o endProlog(EndPrologEvent)
Reports the end of the prolog.
 o markupDeclaration(MarkupDeclarationEvent)
Reports a markup declaration.
 o processingInstruction(ProcessingInstructionEvent)
Reports a processing instruction.
 o startCdataSection(StartCdataSectionEvent)
Reports the start of a CDATA section.
 o startDocument()
Reports the start of the document.
 o startDocumentTypeDeclaration(StartDocumentTypeDeclarationEvent)
Reports the start of the document type declaration.
 o startElement(StartElementEvent)
Reports the start of an element.
 o startEntityReference(StartEntityReferenceEvent)
Reports the start of an entity reference.


 o startDocument
 public abstract void startDocument() throws Exception
Reports the start of the document. This is called once per well-formed document before any other methods.

 o endProlog
 public abstract void endProlog(EndPrologEvent event) throws Exception
Reports the end of the prolog. Called before the start of the first element.

 o startElement
 public abstract void startElement(StartElementEvent event) throws Exception
Reports the start of an element. This includes both start-tags and empty elements.

 o characterData
 public abstract void characterData(CharacterDataEvent event) throws Exception
Reports character data.

 o endElement
 public abstract void endElement(EndElementEvent event) throws Exception
Reports the end of a element. This includes both end-tags and empty elements.

 o processingInstruction
 public abstract void processingInstruction(ProcessingInstructionEvent event) throws Exception
Reports a processing instruction. Note that processing instructions can occur before or after the document element.

 o endDocument
 public abstract void endDocument() throws Exception
Reports the end of the document. Called once per well-formed document, after all other methods. Not called if the document is not well-formed.

 o comment
 public abstract void comment(CommentEvent event) throws Exception
Reports a comment. Note that comments can occur before or after the document element.

 o startCdataSection
 public abstract void startCdataSection(StartCdataSectionEvent event) throws Exception
Reports the start of a CDATA section.

 o endCdataSection
 public abstract void endCdataSection(EndCdataSectionEvent event) throws Exception
Reports the end of a CDATA section.

 o startEntityReference
 public abstract void startEntityReference(StartEntityReferenceEvent event) throws Exception
Reports the start of an entity reference. This event will be followed by the result of parsing the entity's replacement text. This is not called for entity references in attribute values.

 o endEntityReference
 public abstract void endEntityReference(EndEntityReferenceEvent event) throws Exception
Reports the start of an entity reference. This event follow's the result of parsing the entity's replacement text. This is not called for entity references in attribute values.

 o startDocumentTypeDeclaration
 public abstract void startDocumentTypeDeclaration(StartDocumentTypeDeclarationEvent event) throws Exception
Reports the start of the document type declaration.

 o endDocumentTypeDeclaration
 public abstract void endDocumentTypeDeclaration(EndDocumentTypeDeclarationEvent event) throws Exception
Reports the end of the document type declaration.

 o markupDeclaration
 public abstract void markupDeclaration(MarkupDeclarationEvent event) throws Exception
Reports a markup declaration.

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