When a string or symbol in the pattern is compared against a property
value, and the property value was subject to upper-case
substitution, upper-case substitution shall also be performed on the
string before comparison.
(select-elements nl pattern)
Returns a node-list comprising those members of nl that match
pattern as defined by the match-element? procedure.
(q-element pattern nl)
(q-element pattern)
Searches in the subgroves whose roots are each members of nl for
elements matching pattern, as defined by the match-element?
procedure. nl defaults to the node-list returned by current-node.
(q-class symbol nl)
(q-class symbol)
Searches in the subgroves whose roots are each members of nl
for nodes whose class is symbol.
nl defaults to the node-list returned by current-node.
(q-sdata string nl)
(q-sdata string)
Searches in the subgroves whose roots are each members of nl for
nodes whose class is sdata and the value of whose sysdata property is
nl defaults to the node-list returned by current-node.